Spend the day rotating through challenging sporting clay stations with BRSO musicians!
The Baton Rouge Symphony announces the return of our Sporting Clay Tournament at Bridgeview Gun Club, Port Allen, LA.
We invite novices and experts alike to join Baton Rouge Symphony musicians to support our BRSO through participation or sponsorship of the 2021 Sporting Clay Tournament.
Tournament Format:
Four-person team with prizes awarded for highest scoring team, highest scoring male and highest scoring female. Other Prizes will also be awarded. We will shoot rain or shine.
Shooters will be responsible for eye and ear protection, shotgun and shells (#7 1/2 shot or smaller). Shells and eye/ear protection available for sale at Bridgeview Gun Club.
Registration Fee:
$600 per four-person team or $150 per person. Fee includes shooting fee, light breakfast during registration, lunch, concert, and awards reception. You can register online or download a registration form here.